[Shakerpedia]  [Memoirs]

List last names for Enfield, CT village

[ - (1)] - [ A (56)] - [ B (196)] - [ C (120)] - [ D (77)] - [ E (64)] -
[ F (69)] - [ G (66)] - [ H (110)] - [ I (3)] - [ J (21)] - [ K (49)] -
[ L (74)] - [ M (103)] - [ N (18)] - [ O (7)] - [ P (177)] - [ Q (8)] -
[ R (58)] - [ S (182)] - [ T (77)] - [ U (1)] - [ V (7)] - [ W (191)] -
[ Y (3)] -
Total names=1740
bios 19Shaker Image by Pearson and Neal, Biographical notes by Dr. Magda Gabor-Hotchkiss
census 610Census: US and State records from various sources
enfieldct 40Collected census records for Enfield, CT Shaker Village
findgrave 326Cemetery records collected at findagrave.com
shakerdic 1The Historical Dictionary of the Shakers by Steven J Paterwick
sqtrlyobits 35Manifesto
whrsreel 709Cathcart Card Index from WRHS